[徵才]誠徵 Art Installation Architect

看板 Architecture
作者 m210313own (魚)
時間 2024-06-19 10:36:07
留言 0 ( 0推 0噓 0→ )
THE STUDIO 任皮創意有限公司 HELLOBASTWORKSHOP is a multidisciplinary creative art studio, born in Paris, n ow in Taoyuan. We are light and space enthusiasts, creating embodied experienc es to explore the interface between art and technology. THE POSITION HELLOBASTWORKSHOP is seeking an architect who can bring creative conceptual id eas for art installations into reality. A high degree of comfort working cross -functionally is essential. RESPONSIBILITIES ‧ Conceptualize and design art installations ‧ Develop plans describing design specifications, construction materials, cos ts, and schedules ‧ Produce 3D models, renders and technical drawings ‧ Prepare bidding documents and participate in contract negotiations ‧ Monitor on-site activities to ensure compliance with specifications SKILLS ‧ Excellent creative problem-solving skills ‧ A life-long passion for art and technology ‧ Comfort and confidence working both independently and with a small team ‧ A creative and entrepreneurial mindset - always looking for ways to improve themselves and the studio ‧ Comfortable with travel, including international Softwares - 3D modeling, 3 D rendering, CAD SALARY 月薪45000元-80000元 福利 -勞保、健保、特別休假、勞退、婚假 -9:30-10:30; 17:30-18:30彈性上下班 工作地點 桃園市大園區大成路(近機場捷運A17站) 應徵方式 Please send your CV and portfolio to contact@hellobastworkshop.com 連絡電話 0975-531-015 尹小姐 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Architecture/M.1718764569.A.5B7.html


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