[新聞] Infinity Ward 從COD遊戲中刪除了OK手勢

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作者 wizardfizban
時間 2020-07-08 11:44:34
留言 30 ( 14推 2噓 14→ )
Infinity Ward quietly removes OK gesture from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and Warzone https://tinyurl.com/y748597o Infinity Ward has quietly removed the OK gesture from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and Warzone. The developer has yet to explain the decision, and publisher Activision has so far failed to comment after Eurogamer got in touch last week, but it seems likely the gesture was pulled due to its status as a hate symbol. In Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and Warzone, you're able to assign hand gestures to your character for use out on the battlefield. The OK gesture, which was added to the game earlier in 2020, was used by some as a trickshot of sorts - the player character doing the OK sign with their left hand while firing their gun with their right. Call of Duty social media and subreddits would often carry clips of players doing the OK sign as they ended a multiplayer match or a game of Warzone with the final kill. But the OK sign is no longer in the game, pulled on the quiet by Infinity Ward as part of Modern Warfare's mid-season update and replaced by a new gesture called "crush". There is no mention of the change in the official patch notes, but of course it didn't take players long to spot the difference. In September 2019, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) added the OK sign to its list of hate symbols after it was found to be used by some as a "sincere expression of white supremacy". Its use in this context owes its origins to users on 4Chan, who pretended there was a hidden meaning behind the OK sign in a bid to trick the media into a reaction. However, this ploy ended up with the OK sign's use by the far-right, and now many believe its meaning has changed. While Infinity Ward is yet to comment, the removal of Call of Duty's OK gesture probably has to do with the ongoing Black Lives Matter movement. The developer has issued strong statements in recent weeks, pledging to crack down on racism in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, and even inserting a Black Lives Matter message into the game. This isn't the first time the video game industry has taken action over the OK sign. Back in April 2019, Blizzard reportedly told a fan in the Overwatch League arena they were not allowed to use the OK sign after it was spotted on a stream and a complaint was made. ==== 這新聞寫的很詳細,前因後果都有寫出來。 簡單來說就是COD遊戲中的OK手勢突然被移除了,目前官方還沒說明原因。 但是...最近COD官方才說要打擊遊戲內的種族主義,又在遊戲內插入Black Lives Matter 。 然後再加上ADL說過.... https://www.adl.org/education/references/hate-symbols/okay-hand-gesture https://i.imgur.com/buSHlsT.jpg
[新聞] Infinity Ward 從COD遊戲中刪除了OK手勢
所以原來OK手勢是種族歧視呀! 以後不能OK了呢! -- 「......歡迎大家光臨天象館。」 「這裡有著無論何時都決不會消失的,美麗的無窮光輝。 「滿天的星星們在等待著大家的到來。」 ── 星野夢美 ﹝星之夢﹞ ── -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/C_Chat/M.1594179878.A.4A3.html


xxx60709 OK便利店表示: 07/08 11:45 1F
dnek 智障政確助長錯誤觀念傳播,好好的OK意涵都變了 07/08 11:46 2F
amsmsk 這樣吹喇叭要怎麼辦 07/08 11:47 3F
mojito 你們不刪我還不知道那代表white power 07/08 11:47 4F
kylefan 這樣就歧視?ok,我以後會注意的 07/08 11:48 5F
seraph01 https://i.imgur.com/etMZqi5.jpg 07/08 11:48 6F
https://i.imgur.com/etMZqi5.jpg 6F
a71085 戰地死了換你們亂搞喔 07/08 11:48 7F
superRKO 這到底是甚麼74 喔齁齁齁齁齁齁 07/08 11:48 8F
seraph01 之前一個墨西哥裔卡車司機就因為這樣被開除 07/08 11:49 9F
estupid GMP標誌 07/08 11:49 10F
wizardfizban 其實那網頁有說明起源 最早是4chan上的人惡搞 07/08 11:50 11F
wizardfizban 想要看媒體會有啥反應 結果惡搞到現在就變真的..XD 07/08 11:51 12F
※ 編輯: wizardfizban ( 臺灣), 07/08/2020 11:51:23
fordpines https://reurl.cc/20qgkv 07/08 11:51 13F
fordpines /poi/反串大 勝 利 07/08 11:51 14F
wizardfizban 我想4chan上的人應該很開心 因為媒體真的去做了 07/08 11:51 15F
wizardfizban 嗯..這是一個反串到SJW相信的真實故事 07/08 11:53 16F
YoruHentai 這梗之前就有了 應該是最近政治問題才又被挖出來 07/08 11:53 17F
efreet 走火入魔了吧,先射箭再畫靶,搞文字獄後連手勢都不行... 07/08 11:53 18F
fordpines https://i.imgur.com/hmbfphY.jpg 07/08 11:56 19F
https://i.imgur.com/hmbfphY.jpg 19F
fordpines 4chan上原串翻譯我找不到了 他們現在還在想新的 07/08 11:56 20F
rockmanx52 OK手勢在部分國家是「我要捅你屁眼」的意思 07/08 11:57 21F
Irenicus 亂源猶太人搞的組織做這種事不意外 看不爽的事就是74 07/08 11:59 22F
estupid 父權遺毒 https://i.imgur.com/ALbIBXo.jpg 07/08 12:06 23F
https://i.imgur.com/ALbIBXo.jpg 23F
andy86tw 感覺就像是之前K島玩NGA的進階版 07/08 12:19 24F
sonyabear 幹你媽的是白癡嗎?真的該把尼哥趕回棉花田 07/08 12:24 25F
vm06wl 原來不是3P的意思喔 07/08 12:31 26F
chuckni 靠背啊以後ok不能亂比了XD 07/08 12:40 27F
SCLPAL "我要統你屁眼"超商 07/08 12:43 28F
chocopie https://youtu.be/9FTugvKjNdc 07/08 12:51 29F
rich_yt https://youtu.be/9FTugvKjNdc 29F
IB1SA . 07/08 14:58 30F


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