[holo]Mori Calliope-End of a life歌詞翻譯

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作者 kellyou
時間 2021-10-02 17:31:39
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想了想因為很喜歡 所以翻譯了這首歌 希望給想了解這首歌的人一點參考 我個人覺得這是Calli因為現實的一些選擇 所以揮別了以前的一些朋友 告訴自己已經選擇這條路了所以沒甚麼好後悔的 但偶爾還是會想起當初的那些日子而感到惋惜 她前陣子直播就有提一點這種事 說覺得以前的自己很自私 說希望曾經的那些朋友都一切安好 所以我覺得大概是跟這首歌有關的 實際上Calli的作曲想法還是要聽他明天的歌詞解析 平常大喇喇但其實內心很纖細的Calli 但死神說她沒事叫我們不要擔心 所以相信她 有問題或任何想法都歡迎糾正跟討論~ Calli的歌詞很喜歡留下朦朧的意境 所以每個人解讀可能有區別 =========================== We'd run right through those nights 我們曾一起奔跑的那些夜晚 I'll never find my way back to you inside this labyrinth of lights 我永遠無法在這霓虹的迷宮裡找到歸路 There was madness in the meaning 曾經擁有的瘋狂 Never laughless 從未停止的歡笑 we were screaming at the top of our lungs to the numbness 我們曾盡情的吼叫著,直到麻木 This city never died 這座城市永不停息 I'll fly, no proof 無須證明我能飛翔 Those heights, I'll never find another chance to say "Hey, thanks for saving my life" 在這樣的高度,我失去了說”嘿,謝謝你拯救了我”的機會 I was hopeless, it was stinging 我曾絕望,曾刺痛著 Running roadless 漫無目的地奔跑著 We were singing at the top of our lungs to the numbness 我們曾盡情的歌唱著,直到麻木 This city never died 這座城市永不停息 What was the root of it all? 這一切究竟是如何開始的? I couldn't say 理也理不清 Used to jump and then fall 習慣了往上爬再墜落的過程 Rugged and clichéd 如此的崎嶇和陳腔濫調 Would shrug it off without complaint, not a sound 沒有怨言地承受一切,沉默著 No use in trying to find friends, 'cause in the end nobody sticks around 找尋同伴毫無用處,因為到頭來僅剩自己一人 It's when you shoved yourself into a crowded place that you turned around and found yourself in love in outer space 當你一頭栽進茫茫人海中,慕然回首,才發現已愛上這異世界 Cue the reckless nights, no strings, laughing at our own dreams 在那些無謂的夜晚,毫無理由的,嘲笑著我們自己的夢想 ….Just what the hell was so funny? ….所以這到底有什麼好笑的? Bark up the wrong tree, stumble, used to falling great heights 用了錯的方法找了錯的目標,固執的傢伙,習慣了從高處墜落 Amidst a concrete jungle, singing 'cause it felt right 在這片水泥叢林裡,心滿意足地唱著 We mixed the ennui and troubles, rhyming our discontent 混和了倦怠和困難,我們唱出了不滿 And though it's history, I can't forget the time that we spent 雖然這一切都成為了歷史,我仍忘不了那些日子 Convinced that this could mean another end 確信那段日子會成就另一種結局 Exists between real and pretend 存在於真實與虛假中 A twisted alter-fiction where I missed my chance, did not ascend, and 另一個扭曲的世界線裡,我失敗了,沒有成名 Disappearing into the mist of "never happened" is the me that I can never befriend 一切就像是”從未發生”一般的消失在雲霧裡。這是我無法接受的結局。 I let it go 我放手了 Fade in, fade out 漸入,淡出 This crazy dream 這瘋狂的夢境 Without a direction, floating aimlessly 毫無方向,漫無目的的漂浮著 There's nothing left 轉過身 Back there for me 那裡空無一物 Breathe in, but it won't stop the rain from pouring 深呼吸,但那暴雨不會止息 We'd run right through those nights 我們曾一起奔跑的那些夜晚 I'll never find my way back to you inside this labyrinth of lights 我永遠無法在這霓虹的迷宮裡找到歸路 There was madness in the meaning 曾經擁有的瘋狂 Never laughless 從未停止的歡笑 we were screaming at the top of our lungs to the numbness 我們曾盡情的吼叫著,直到麻木 This city never died 這座城市永不停息 But was there ever a soul inside? 但這些曾存在過真心嗎? Chasing fireflies between the soaring high-rises 在急升上空中追逐那份光亮 Left a trail behind, defined it "wasted time of our lives" 滑過的軌跡被定義為”浪費人生” Silent singer, overworked and underpaid 無聲的歌手,過勞又低薪 Thinks an office is a coffin until off is where you're laid 想像著辦公室終將成為容納自己的棺材 Yet a thought persists, an optimist who ought to be afraid 然而一份倔強的堅持,一位應該感到害怕的樂觀者 Saw the "nothing wrong" in writing songs behind the lonely shade 用寂寞的身影寫下”我很好,一切都安好” Is the world a sadder place without the words that you conveyed? 即使缺少了你吐露的心聲,這個世界會有任何差別嗎? When the ladder fell and shattered every bar that we had played? 當那份支柱倒下,摧毀了我們曾訴說的那些話語,該如何是好? Does it matter in the end the sound diminished and decayed 當那些聲音腐敗且消逝了,真的很重要嗎? And your friends grew tired of fantasy; you're wishing they had stayed? 當朋友們厭倦了幻想,你卻仍希望他們留下呢? You don't get to say "I miss you," 你沒有資格說出”我想你”, you watched your heroes fade 就這樣看著你曾經的英雄 Into the rear-view mirror of the villain you portrayed 消逝於你譜出的惡魔中 Stop the pity party, listen 停止你的那份自我可憐,聽好 You don't get to be dismayed 你沒有資格沮喪 You don't get to be emotional 你沒有資格情緒化 feel blessed you got it made 給我珍惜好不容易得來的幸福 These the best of years of life because you chose to make a trade 因為你的選擇,換來了人生最璀璨的幾年 Recollect the days you hoped and you prayed for this 想想那些你祈求和希冀成功的日子 What is there to miss? 那麼有什麼值得遺憾的呢? Fade in, fade out 漸入,淡出 This hazy dream 如海市蜃樓的夢境 Without a direction, roaming aimlessly 沒有方向,毫無目的的漫遊著 There's nothing left 轉過身 Back there for me 那裡空無一物 Pretend it's the end of a made-up story 假裝這捏造的故事已到結尾 I'll fly, no proof 無須證明我能飛翔 Those heights, I'll never find another chance to say "Hey, thanks for saving my life" 在這樣的高度,我失去了說”嘿,謝謝你拯救了我”的機會 I was hopeless, it was stinging 我曾絕望,曾刺痛著 Driving roadless 漫無目的地行徑著 We were singing at the top of our lungs to the numbness 我們曾盡情的歌唱著,直到麻木 This city never died 這座城市永不止息 I'll say goodbye to the soul inside 向那份真心道別 And yet somehow, there was romance In our self-hate 然而不知為何,在自我厭惡中還存在著浪漫 "we've got no chance" In this light maze, 在這霓虹迷宮裡,說著”我們沒有機會了” but let's hold hands Through the night haze, we'll run so fast 但讓我們牽著手,穿過夜晚的陰霾 會跑得很快很快 'Til the school chime, 'til the train runs 直到學校鐘響,直到火車啟程 We know it's time, we're the sane ones 我們都知道時間到了,我們都是一樣的 Waking up now, to the "real life" 醒來吧,在”現實”中醒來 Let me daydream, 'til the next night 讓我做著白日夢直到明晚 I'll keep waiting 我會一直等待著 I'll keep waiting for you 一直等待著你 Waking up now, to my real life 該逐漸清醒了,面對我的現實 Let me daydream, 'til the next flight 讓我做著白日夢 直到該動身了 Drowning so long, I got older 沉浮了許久,成長了許多 Now the crowd's gone, is it over? 曲終人散,一切都結束了嗎? Is it over? 都結束了嗎? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/C_Chat/M.1633167101.A.26F.html


[holo]Mori Calliope-End of a life歌詞翻譯
33 45 c_chat kellyou
2021-10-02 17:31:39


hl_push s7503228: 推 推 ken1990710 0F
s7503228推 ken1990710
maki520 新歌真的有夠好聽 10/02 17:35 1F
stupider45 哭啊 10/02 17:35 2F
pbugbug 10/02 17:38 3F
s8381 10/02 17:38 4F
wizardfizban 以前樂團的朋友吧.... 10/02 17:39 5F
dWoWb 這首超讚 10/02 17:40 6F
blindfly 這首推 10/02 17:42 7F
cornsoup 10/02 17:45 8F
totoro35 謝謝翻譯,這首真的好聽 10/02 17:45 9F
XtheUnknown https://i.imgur.com/hQQJ7Ke.jpg 10/02 17:47 10F
https://i.imgur.com/hQQJ7Ke.jpg 10F
dogluckyno1 10/02 17:50 11F
Sessyoin 10/02 17:50 12F
※ 編輯: kellyou ( 臺灣), 10/02/2021 17:55:52
amandaxvii 10/02 18:03 13F
Ectel 好聽 10/02 18:04 14F
HyperLollipo 一首好歌 10/02 18:19 15F
nightcrow 推,這首真的時候循環播放 10/02 18:38 16F
nightcrow 打錯字,適合 10/02 18:38 17F
areysky 推 超好聽 10/02 18:41 18F
nightcrow 棺材那句在玩躺平跟裁員的雙關 laid (off) 10/02 18:42 19F
SeijyaKijin 又戀愛了 10/02 18:56 20F
qazzqaz 10/02 18:57 21F
※ 編輯: kellyou ( 臺灣), 10/02/2021 18:58:53
afking 推,真希望花多點時間做這樣的創作 10/02 19:00 22F
jcl2638 10/02 19:13 23F
line446 推 真的好聽 10/02 19:24 24F
jiasel 10/02 19:46 25F
qaz911420 calli真的超有才華 10/02 20:18 26F
Ghosta 10/02 20:45 27F
Amychen 這首超讚~ 10/02 22:54 28F
shadow6571 聽了一個故事 10/02 23:58 29F
mikaatheus 最後一句很感傷 10/03 00:47 30F
mikaatheus 簡短的句子重複兩次有種不捨的感覺 10/03 00:48 31F
StevenH31 10/03 11:07 32F
※ 編輯: kellyou ( 臺灣), 10/03/2021 13:31:52
s8381 聽完歌詞解析再來留個言,這首敘事角度虛幻和現實之間的轉 10/05 02:16 33F
s8381 換很有趣,在最後一個Bridge前時間線和序事角度都還算清楚 10/05 02:19 34F
s8381 最後的bridge不斷在過去現在、現實虛幻之間轉換 10/05 02:20 35F
s8381 outro最後連問兩次it's over?瞬間點醒所有人想像中的時間線 10/05 02:21 36F
s8381 和過往的日子都不在了 10/05 02:22 37F
s8381 另外這次Calli有提到一則關於live again編排太滿的評論 10/05 02:28 38F
s8381 這次饒的部份的確也依抒情的曲風選擇比較不緊湊的編排 10/05 02:29 39F
s8381 加上最近King的cover裡"left side right side"讓鯊唱原key 10/05 02:31 40F
s8381 自己唱低音的合聲,讓我覺得Calli在對音樂的理解和呈現手法 10/05 02:32 41F
s8381 一直有在進步,期待之後的作品 10/05 02:33 42F
a24606 哭哭 這首超棒 10/06 18:05 43F
clou 這首真的超好聽… 10/06 23:08 44F
jo611 太好聽了... 10/17 02:52 45F


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