[閒聊] 闇龍紀元 媒體評分開獎 不太意外?

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作者 jileen (發瘋的說書人)
時間 2024-10-29 00:57:24
留言 0 ( 0推 0噓 0→ )
https://www.metacritic.com/game/dragon-age-the-veilguard/ 48家 平均84分的Generally Favorable PC 80分/22家 PS5 84分/48家 XBOX 93分/ 5家 【備註翻譯為google】 PS5版本評價 Eurogamer 100分 (這家的德國分部也給100,但是波蘭只給70) A fantasy role-playing game of astonishing spectacle. This is the best Dragon Age, and perhaps BioWare, has ever been. 一款令人驚嘆的奇幻角色扮演遊戲。這是有史以來最好的《闇龍紀元》,也許也是 BioWare 有史以來最好的遊戲。 富比世 85分 Dragon Age: The Veilguard may not be worth an entire decade-long wait, but it's very fun in its own right and a unique exploration of the world and a new set of memorable characters 《闇龍紀元:紗帳守護者》可能不值得等待整整十年,但它本身就非常有趣,對世界進 行了獨特的探索,並擁有一組令人難忘的新角色。 CD-Action 60分 Dragon Age: Veilguard leaves us with the impression that we bought the wrong title. Instead of a true RPG, we get a mediocre action adventure game. A scenario stretched to the limit, a poorly constructed world and monotonous gameplay bored me to tears. 《闇龍紀元:紗帳守護者》給我們留下了我們買錯遊戲的印象。我們得到的不是真正的 角色扮演遊戲,而是平庸的動作冒險遊戲。超越極限的場景、構造糟糕的世界和單調的 遊戲玩法讓我無聊得流淚。 Kotaku 未發表分數 不過這種OO的評分就大家心知肚明 值得注意的是幾家給高分的媒體都有刻意在評論裡面說到 對角色的身分性別認同族群背景之類的垃圾設定給予好評 例如Eurogamer 從很多方面來說,這是一款關於他們、你的同伴的遊戲。透過他們,遊戲向我們的心訴說 ,這就是遊戲如何處理來自我們自己世界的複雜主題——例如性別認同、神經多樣性、個 人創傷和父母身份——並且每個主題都以成熟和關懷的態度溫和、不引人注意地處理。 戀愛當然是遊戲的一部分,但我很高興它在這裡如此克制,以及它如何將關係重新 集中在情感方面,而不是試圖與某人發生關係。在加入塔什之前,我和每個人調情了幾個 小時,但沒有人輕易放棄任何東西。 BioWare 遊戲中的同伴從來沒有像這裡 In many ways it is a game about them, your companions. Through them The Veilguard speaks to our hearts, and it's how the game approaches complex topics from our own world - topics like gender identity, neurodiversity, personal trauma, and parenthood - and each is handled gently and unobtrusively, and with maturity and care. Romance is of course part of the game, but I'm pleased by how restrained it is here, and how it refocuses relationships on the emotional side rather than being about trying to bang someone. I flirted with everyone for hours before committing to Taash, but no one was giving anything away easily. IGN 自家網站評分9分 https://www.ign.com/articles/dragon-age-the-veilguard-review 雖然開發者要求我們不要劇透我在這裡談論的具體對象,但作為一個非二元性別的人, Veilguard 包含了一些最真實的關於性別問題的表述——以及必須導航的內容你家人對此 的反應——我在遊戲中看過。感覺不像是放學後的特別活動,也不像是在迎合我。它處理 得很好,發現這個角色的作者本身就是非二元性別,我一點也不感到驚訝。 And while we've been asked by the devs not to spoil specifically who I'm talking about here, as a non-binary person myself, Veilguard includes some of the most authentic representation of coming to terms with gender stuff – and having to navigate your family's reaction to it – I've seen yet in a game. It doesn't feel like an after school special or like I'm being pandered to. It's quite well-handled, and finding out that the writer for this character is non-binary themselves did not surprise me at all. -- ☆ __へ(OwO )ㄏ ════ => (;‵口▂▁ ☆ ======== ( -w-)ㄏ=== _ ( —/╯ ☆ ___ (OwO )︵﹀/──── => ∕ 〉 v v / \  ̄ ̄ ̄ => -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/C_Chat/M.1730134654.A.F85.html


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