[請益] 核磁共振的報告求翻譯判讀

看板 Doctor-Info
作者 polarity (永不見花萎。)
時間 2024-09-07 15:33:51
留言 3 ( 2推 0噓 1→ )
如題 從健保app查到了核磁共振的結果, 因為回診是月底,很擔心是什麼狀況 求判讀翻譯,非常感恩 MRI of the pituitary gland using brain surface coil was perfomred . the pusle sequences including sagittal T1WI; coronoal T1WI amd T2WI; the post intravenous gadolinium contrast dynamic thin slice thickness T1WI and coronal, sagittal T1WI and FLAIR images. Findings:> Midsagittal T1-weighted image shows; the anterior pituitary has a flattened superior aspect with the g land appearing as if compresed against the sella floor and the height is about 3.2 mm, However, the posterior bright signal representing the posterior lobe appears normal. > No ectopic pituitary lobe, normal pituitary stalk. No midli ne malformations( septooptic dysplasia, corpus callosum agenesis, Chiari malfo rmation) are noted.> Normal signal intensity pattern of the brain parenchyma. > Normal olfactory bulbs.IMP:The pituitary height is about 3.2 mm consider pi tuitary dwarfism. Suggest clinical correlation. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Doctor-Info/M.1725694433.A.E50.html


Probius 擔心就提早回診,IMP後面就是診斷侏儒症(?!) 09/08 20:06 1F
polarity 醫生的診已經全滿了掛不進更早的診 09/08 21:59 2F
fox308 截圖下來用google 翻譯可以猜個七八成 09/09 19:12 3F


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