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看板 Nets
作者 puro (普洛)
時間 2024-07-05 13:48:32
留言 38 ( 14推 0噓 24→ )
來源:https://x.com/BrooklynNetcast/status/1806707821230072134?t=mRJm30ueamXs-DaYRNDBqw&s=19 The Brooklyn Nets future outlook: After trading Mikal Bridges and acquiring their draft picks back for 2025 and 2026, the Nets are looking at going into a full rebuild. He’s a full look into every that encompasses and how they could go about going through this rebuild 布魯克林籃網隊未來展望: 在交易米卡爾布里奇斯並拿回 2025 年和 2026 年的選秀權後,籃網隊正在考慮進行全面重建。他全面審視了一切,以及他們如何進行這次重建 Draft capital: 2025 (own) 2025 via MIL (Top-4 protected) 2025 via NYK 2025 (least favorable of PHX/HOU/OKC) 2026 (own) 2027 via NYK 2027 via PHI (Top-8 protected) 2027 (HOU can swap) 2028 (most favorable of BKN/PHX/NYK) 2029 via NYK 2029 (own) 2029 (least favorable of DAL/HOU/PHX) 2030 (own) 2031 via NYK 2031 (own) 目前擁有的首輪籤資產: 2025(自己) 2025 年通過公鹿(前四保護) 2025 年來自紐約尼克 2025(PHX/HOU/OKC 最差順位) 2026(自己) 2027 年來自紐約尼克 2027 年透過 PHI(前八保護) 2027(火箭可以互換) 2028(BKN/PHX/NYK 最優順位) 2029 年來自紐約尼克 2029(自己) 2029(DAL/HOU/PHX 最差順位) 2030(自己) 2031 年來自紐約尼克 2031(自己) Most valuable pieces: ‧Cam Thomas (22 y/o SG) is probably the most valuable player currently in the Brooklyn Nets. Last season at age 22 he averaged 23.6 PPG, 3.5 REB and 3.1 AST in games he started with a 56 TS%. This next season or two there needs to be substantial playmaking leaps (he had a small one last year) and needs to prove he can be a main ball handler on a NBA team. 最有價值的資產: ‧卡姆·托馬斯(Cam Thomas,22 歲 SG)可能是目前布魯克林籃網隊最有價值的球員。上賽季,22 歲的他在先發比賽中場均拿下 23.6 分、3.5 籃板和 3.1 助攻,命中率為 56%。在接下來的一兩個賽季裡,他需要在比賽中取得實質的飛躍(去年他有一個小飛躍),並且需要證明他可以成為 NBA 球隊的主要控球者。 ‧Nic Claxton (25 y/o C) is one of the premier defenders in the entire NBA. Last season he averaged 11.8 PPG, 9.9 REB and 2.1 BPG. He had a rough start to the season with injuries and then started to round a corner but never seemed to 100% get to where he wanted last season. However, his perimeter defense was good as ever and he was still one of the best switching bigs in the NBA. His interior defense was mediocre most of the season until the next player listed started playing helpside, a big problem for the Nets last season being they had no helpside rim protection that could complement Claxton. He looks to rebound this season with an All-Defensive team. ‧尼克克拉克斯頓(Nic Claxton,25 歲)是整個 NBA 中最優秀的防守者之一。上季他場均貢獻11.8分、9.9分和2.1分。由於傷病,他本賽季的開局並不順利,然後開始轉危為安,但似乎從未 100% 達到他上賽季想要的目標。然而,他的外線防守一如既往地出色,他仍然是NBA最好的換防大個子之一。他的內線防守在本賽季的大部分時間裡表現平平,直到下一位球員開始打協防,上賽季籃網隊的一個大問題是他們沒有可以補充克拉克斯頓的協防籃框保護。他希望本賽季能夠入選最佳防守陣容並反彈。 ‧Noah Clowney (19 y/o PF) did not play much last season and spent most of his time in the g-league as he was only 19. However, when he did play he was absolutely outstanding, two performances that stood out being his 7 block game against the Toronto Raptors and his 22 point and 10 rebound hame against the Indiana Pacers. Really impressive for a 19 y/o. This off-season you look for him to put on some muscle and continue to bulk up, get himself conditioned for what will be his first full season. The Nets will look to him for helpside rim protection and floor spacing, 2 things he does bring to the table with a lengthy 6’10 frame and 7’3 wingspan. ‧諾亞·克勞尼(19 歲PF)的19歲賽季並沒有打太多一隊比賽,大部分時間都在發展聯盟度過。然而,當他在一隊比賽時表現出色,其中最突出的兩場表現是他在對陣多倫多猛龍隊的比賽中拿下 7 個蓋帽,在對陣印第安納步行者隊的比賽中拿下 22 分和 10 個籃板。對於 19 歲的人來說確實令人印象深刻。這個休賽期你會期待他增加一些肌肉並繼續增肌,為他的第一個完整賽季做好準備。網隊會指望他提供幫助側籃框保護和地板間距,這是他憑藉 6 英尺 10 的長身軀和 7 英尺 3 的臂展所帶來的兩件事。 Biggest question mark: ‧Dariq Whitehead (19 y/o SG/SF) only appeared in two games this last season and underwent surgery on his foot for the 3rd time. He was an outstanding shooter at Duke and was one of the best prospects heading into college, very high creation upside that can really give this rebuild a boost. 最大的問號: ‧達里克·懷特海德(Dariq Whitehead,19歲,SG/SF)上賽季只參加了兩場比賽,並且第三次接受了腳部手術。他是杜克大學的一名出色的射手,進入大學時他是頂級順位之一,他具有非常高的潛力,可以真正推動重建。 Trade candidates: ‧Cam Johnson (28 y/o SF/PF) is one of the more coveted pieces on the trade market. 6’8 wing who fits really well next to two main creators, high level shooter and decently versatile defender. Could net you a 1st and a salary filler with some 2nds 交易候選人: ‧Cam Johnson(28 歲 SF/PF)是交易市場上最令人垂涎的球員之一。身高 6 英尺 8 的側翼,非常適合與兩位進攻創造者、高水平射手和多才多藝的後衛並肩作戰。預期可以帶來個首輪籤或一個填補薪資的球員搭上幾個次輪籤 ‧Dorian Finney Smith (31 y/o PF) is a proven playoff performer, professional and versatile defensive piece that many contenders would love to have as another defender to throw at any number of high level wings. His shooting has been shaky but he could still possibly net you a protected 1st. ‧多里安·芬尼·史密斯(Dorian Finney Smith)(31歲大前鋒)是一位久經考驗的季後賽表現者,專業且多才多藝的防守球員,許多競爭者都希望擁有他,一個可以有一定外線產量的高等級側翼。他的投籃一直不穩定,但他仍然有可能為你贏得一個受保護的首輪籤。 ‧Bojan Bogdonovic (35 y/o SF) is coming off of foot surgery but when healthy has proven to be able to create his own shot and be a really reliable floor spacer. Due to his age and injuries, I think he would net you a few 2nds. ‧博揚·博格多諾維奇(35歲小前鋒)剛從足部手術中復原過來,但在健康的情況下,他是一名證明過能夠創造自己的投籃機會,並且是一位真正可靠的能拉開空間的球員。由於他的年齡和傷病,我認為他會給你幾個次輪籤。 KEY NOTE: The Brooklyn Nets should wait to trade all 3 till the premier wings have been taken off the market in FA. Force a team to overpay with the pressure to fill a need to compete. 關鍵提示:布魯克林籃網隊應該等到頂級側翼球員被從自由市場拿下後才交易全部 3 名球員。迫使其他買家付出更高的價格來完成交易。 The Brooklyn Nets are far from perfect but are set up really well long-term with: ‧Some of the most cap flexibility in the NBA ‧ 4 1st’s in ‘25, 1 1st in ‘26, 3 1st’s in ‘27, 3 1sts in ‘29 and can still add more picks ‧3 young pieces who could kickstart the rebuild (We will see what Wilson and Whitehead become too) 布魯克林籃網隊遠非完美,但從長遠來看,他們的設置非常好: ‧ 其中一個有著最有彈性的薪資上限NBA球隊 ‧ 25年4個首輪,26年1個首輪,27年3個首輪,29年3個首輪,並且仍然可以增加更多選秀權 ‧ 3名可以參與重建的年輕球員(我們也將看到威爾森和懷特海德可以成為什麼樣的球員) Not a bad spot, lots of work to do. 不錯的開始,但還有很多事要做。 #NetsWorld 感想:累死了,怎麼會自己想不開想轉這篇,真佩服總版那些轉貼大長文的,這篇我是一邊配google翻譯我再自己去修改我覺得翻的不順的地方,如果有翻錯的再提出來我再改。 ----- Sent from JPTT on my OPPO CPH2251. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Nets/M.1720158514.A.E31.html


stevenchiang ChatGpt翻譯屌打GOOGLE翻譯,用ChatGpt不會出現 07/05 13:58 1F
stevenchiang 草擬資本這種東西 07/05 13:59 2F
stevenchiang 所以建議以後用ChatGpt會比較輕鬆 07/05 14:00 3F
puro 剛剛也在想要不要用chatgpt 但手機不好弄 最後還是用google 07/05 14:57 4F
puro 翻譯 感謝推薦 07/05 14:57 5F
youtoo 感謝翻譯 07/05 17:22 6F
※ 編輯: puro ( 臺灣), 07/05/2024 18:56:39
msarthur 今年才算要正式開箱白頭啊,然後練Nic Clowney雙塔 07/05 21:49 7F
msarthur 至少還算有看點XD 07/05 21:50 8F
puro 今年的看點 07/05 23:07 9F
puro 1.Clowney可不可以跟Nic同時搭配 Clowney有外線能力 所以理 07/05 23:07 10F
puro 論上進攻端不會有衝突 防守端就看Clowney能不能成長為Nic沒 07/05 23:07 11F
puro 辦法做到的肉盾 期望防守端能變KAT跟狗貝那種感覺 07/05 23:07 12F
puro 2.小火車在第一年先發後能不能再往上突破 不只是得分 我今年 07/05 23:07 13F
puro 會更期待他能不能成為更加全能的後場箭頭 07/05 23:07 14F
puro 如果理想 以上都成真了 再來空出3號位坦個Flagg或Bailey來 07/05 23:07 15F
puro 那我們就有機會走雷霆模式起飛了 07/05 23:07 16F
msarthur 至少希望能效仿阿金第一年那樣,確立一個球隊體系 07/06 23:48 17F
msarthur 從奈瓜開始的教練真的是一言難盡... 07/06 23:49 18F
youtoo 目前還是後場持球點的問題,不過我也贊成把體系弄出來比 07/07 00:08 19F
youtoo 較重要,25T的新秀感覺天賦真的很好,邊練兵邊看能不能選 07/07 00:08 20F
youtoo 個核心直接重回軌道 07/07 00:08 21F
youtoo Clowney蠻可惜的其實一直在G盟打的不錯,上季早點上來說 07/07 00:09 22F
youtoo 不定可以多練點 07/07 00:09 23F
gnl1n 我愛籃網 07/07 02:50 24F
msarthur 後場持球我是蠻想把DSJ簽回來的,他那個在場上的拼勁可 07/07 12:19 25F
msarthur 以感染很多隊友 07/07 12:19 26F
msarthur 西門...嗯 07/07 12:19 27F
msarthur 然後真的大概是Cam的最後一年觀察期了,技能包如果不能 07/07 12:20 28F
msarthur 再多長一點出來的話,覺得球隊有可能交易掉他 07/07 12:20 29F
WingStorming 籃網加油 07/09 14:12 30F
msarthur Watford接受QO一年約,明年變成RFA 07/10 00:21 31F
msarthur $2.7M 07/10 00:22 32F
msarthur 上面更正,明年變成FA,今年是RFA 07/10 00:23 33F
youtoo 很好啊,可以用也可以隨便養,身材不好但腦袋算轉的快的 07/10 01:04 34F
youtoo 球員,拿來用還自然坦 07/10 01:04 35F
msarthur 他給我的感覺很像前幾年的布朗 滿喜歡的 07/10 01:06 36F
puro 馬總有說希望他可以續留 不錯 短期目標又達成一項 我明天有 07/10 02:44 37F
puro 空把馬總在記者會上說的整理一下再丟上來 07/10 02:44 38F


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