[徵才] UNL: Ph.D. of Digital Agriculture

看板 NTU
作者 mrtnle0625 (Marcq en Baroeul)
時間 2024-04-12 11:55:05
留言 0 ( 0推 0噓 0→ )
※ [本文轉錄自 studyabroad 看板 #1c6B1X4R ] 作者: mrtnle0625 (Marcq en Baroeul) 看板: studyabroad 標題: [情報] UNL: Ph.D. of Digital Agriculture 時間: Fri Apr 12 11:54:06 2024 台大生工系校友梁維真 Wei-zhen Liang ( https://bse.unl.edu/faculty/wei-zhen-liang ), 現在在 University of Nebraska-Lincoln 擔任教職,全美排名第六的生工系, irrigation engineering 領域全美國最強。 這個博士的研究計畫主要是負責釀酒用的葡萄園的環境監測,image analysis,看葡萄有 沒有黴菌或生病,也要做數據分析。葡萄園在佛羅里達,每年會去2-3次,計畫的研究基 金也提供去研討會的經費,每年會讓博士生去ASABE年會報告,也提供去其他研討會的經 費。 不用一定要是生物工程背景,但是基本條件是會數據與圖像分析的程式語言,Python, C, MATLAB 會其中一個就可以,有AI、machine learning 的背景更好。 免學費,全額獎學金,獎學金扣完稅每個月約2100美金。 教授買新筆電,上限3300美金。 有興趣的話歡迎寫信先跟梁教授約時間聊聊, Email: wei-zhen.liang@unl.edu 以下為招生正文: Ph.D. Graduate Research Assistant Position: Digital Agriculture -Description: A graduate research assistant (GRA) is available for a self-motivated Ph.D. level graduate student in the Department of Biological Systems Engineering at University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL), renowned for being among the top 10 Agricultural Biological Engineering departments in the US. This position, available from August 2024 or January 2025, comes with a $32,000 annual stipend, plus additional coverage of tuition fees and health insurance, separate from the stipend. All renewable annually based on performance. The student will be advised by Dr. Wei-Zhen Liang at UNL, while working closely with other research collaborators. -Research Focus Potential research topics include but are not limited to digital agriculture, image analysis, IoT sensor development, agricultural data analysis, crop modeling, AI and machine learning. A significant aspect of the Ph.D. project will focus on developing cutting-edge solutions in digital agriculture, with a primary emphasis on developing disease and weed image detection algorithms and advanced camera systems for various crops. The project also involves creating a decision-making tool that integrates technology with agricultural practices, providing growers and researchers with insights for optimizing crop management. Field work opportunities include grapevine fields in Florida and various row crops, like corn, soybean, dry edible beans, sugar beets in Nebraska. The successful applicant should be highly self-motivated, enthusiastic, have a strong desire to learn new skills, and the capable of working both independently and in collaboration with other graduate students, technicians, research specialists, and local growers. -Qualification ‧ Must earn M.S. degree in agricultural, biosystems, civil, environmental engineering or closely related field. ‧ GPA of 3.0 or higher (on a 4.0 point scale) is required. ‧ Must have an interest in taking a cross-disciplinary approach to understand and solve agricultural data analysis and sensor development related issues. ‧ Willingness to work in electronic lab and on field and collaborate with multiple stakeholders. ‧ A minimum score of 79 on TOEFL or 6.5 on IELTS. -Preferred Qualifications: ‧ Experience conducting research, sensor design, and field work ‧ Experience using Python or C -Contact Person Wei-zhen Liang, Ph.D., Research Assistant Professor Department of Biological Systems Engineering, UNL Email: wei-zhen.liang@unl.edu Phone: 919-802-2925 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (加拿大) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/studyabroad/M.1712894049.A.11B.html


※ 轉錄者: mrtnle0625 ( 加拿大), 04/12/2024 11:55:05


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