[徵求] 歐美學生合作拍攝 (有酬勞)

看板 NTU
作者 oneluffy (海賊王)
時間 2024-06-11 11:54:49
留言 1 ( 0推 1噓 0→ )
[徵求外國學生] 歐美學生合作拍攝 (有酬勞) 合作內容: 台灣零食品牌形象拍照 品牌希望設定外國朋友喜歡吃的台灣零食 需求: 男生/女生 各2名 指定: 需要白人朋友以及黑人朋友 (請幫忙踴躍推薦) 拍攝酬勞: 時薪$800 NTD (不超過5小時) (不含妝髮時間)+車馬費500元 拍攝地點:新北市中和 (室內攝影棚) 拍攝時間: 8月 (日期會再公布) 如果剛好你也喜歡台灣食物 會給你準備很多零食帶回去 不用準備服裝,我們會準備 不用打扮,我們會幫你妝髮 因為是零食品牌拍攝不用緊張 放輕鬆拍攝就好 會是在台灣很有趣的經驗 如果有興趣請幫忙多推薦給外國朋友 有興趣報名: (請寄email到這) kyrachen11@gmail.com 需要寄送您的生活照數張/可聯繫方式(line id) 感謝 [Seeking Foreign Students] Collaboration with Foreign Students for Photography (Paid) Project Details: We are looking for foreign friends to collaborate on a photo shoot for a Taiwanese snack brand. The brand aims to demonstrate that foreigners also enjoy Taiwanese snacks. Requirements: 2 males and 2 females Specifically seeking white and black friends (please help to recommend) Compensation: $800 NTD (per hour)for the shoot (no more than 5 hours, excluding hair and makeup time) + transportation allowance of $500 NTD Location: Zhonghe, New Taipei City (indoor studio) Shooting time: August (exact date to be announced) If you also love Taiwanese food, we'll prepare plenty of snacks for you to take home. No need to worry about hair, makeup and clothing; we will take care of that. This is a snack brand photo shoot, so no need to be nervous. Just relax and have fun. It will be an interesting experience in Taiwan. If you are interested, please help to recommend this to your foreign friends. To apply: Please send an email to: kyrachen11@gmail.com Included with several of your daily life photos and your contact information (LINE ID). Thank you! -- 五毛和五毛是最幸福的,因為他們湊成了一塊 人生就像打電話,不是你先掛就是我先掛 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NTU/M.1718078095.A.350.html


※ 編輯: oneluffy ( 臺灣), 06/11/2024 12:48:43
aarzbrv 如果沒工作許可的話,請問是製造非法外勞陷阱囉? 06/11 17:18 1F


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