Re: [閒聊] 40K 獅王不會變年輕喔?

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作者 JustinTW (DoW FAN)
時間 2024-10-02 04:05:32
留言 1 ( 0推 0噓 1→ )
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: 推 pgame3: 獅王:這是遠方銀河系傳來潮指數,你們不會懂的 10/01 17:55 : 推 zm0243: 所有原體都有資格質疑攝政夫人,只有獅王沒資格,一萬年 10/01 17:55 : → zm0243: 前就跟異形鬼混了 10/01 17:55 : 推 ggeneration: 話說第二帝國三巨頭很巧合都跟非人種族有聯繫 10/01 18:31 : → ggeneration: 萊恩 奸奇大魔看到都得大叫然後掉頭烙跑的黑暗守望者 10/01 18:32 : → ggeneration: 基里曼 靈族大先知與死神軍 10/01 18:33 : 推 CrazyLord: 原來DA老家的小綠人這麼兇啊? 連奸奇大魔都不敢靠近 10/01 19:29 : → willytp97121: 小綠人現在都還不知道什麼來頭 古聖相關? 10/01 21:40 黑暗守望者是來自亞空間或甚至多重宇宙的觀測者,外網有人引過《死翼》的內容來證明 混沌諸神是多重宇宙性質的存在: 「 The palace burned. Its sprawling plan, laid down by increment over millennia, had culminated in a glorious basilica on an epic scale. It was a fortress, capitol, monument, fane, its completion the project of one who had set Himself apart from history and sought to make the future His own. Now, its walls had been brought low and His dreams with them, humbled by the creation of His own genius. The blood that tarred its triumphal plazas was its own, spilled by wayward sons. And half a galaxy away, on another world, another palace burned. It too had accumulated battlements and halls over millennia, its finished state the vision of a leader such as arises on a world but once in a thousand years. It too had been brought low. It too ran with the blood of its fallen sons. This was the future that could not be escaped, as indelible to those with the sense for it as the present. The galaxy was aflame, the primordial annihilator ran rampant, the pattern repeated over and over, and the gods of the warp glutted on the hubris of man. 'We told him that Chaos could not be defeated, only fought.' The other Watchers stood in silent observation, witnessing the fall of what the humans – placed in their charge by pure chance – had called Aldurukh. None of them were truly present. Their existence was not limited by time or place in such a fashion. Nor was their true form that of the cowled diminutive by which they visited this corporeal dimension, even when unobserved. They were creatures of ritual and habit, not unlike the human culture that, through infrequent intervention, they had incidentally cultivated over fifteen thousand years. Not that one span of time occurred to them as being greater or lesser than any other. 'They ignore our warnings,' said another. 'They do not listen.' 'A failing of the race. Did Eldrad of the aeldari not attempt to forewarn the Phoenician?' 'We had a duty to try. If Chaos is to be defeated on Earth, then it will rise again here.' 'It is already too late. The Ouroboros stirs. The Lion continues to employ its power.' The Watchers were silent as they considered the possible outcomes of their inactions. Theirs was not a linear continuum. Time was a mosaic, three-dimensional and beautiful, too much for any one set of eyes, however studied, to interpret as a complete image. Each detail needed to be viewed in isolation and judged on its own merits. They were creatures of potential, and though the future before them grew dark, there were paths that a keen eye might discern. 'The Angels will have a part to play yet, come the end of it all.' 'Perhaps, but I fear that the destruction of Caliban is our last hope for the future now. It will be the final blow that sunders them. Is even the Lion willing to commit such an act?' The Watchers pondered the ineffable as the first war of the Fallen played out, a tessellation in the repeating pattern of the mosaic. One alone amongst them turned his hooded gaze upward, looking for the spread of stars known colloquially as the Iron Corridor. 'I do not think that will be a problem.' 」 這邊就地翻譯一下這段內容: 「 皇宮燃燒起來。其蔓延的平面在千年來的逐步增建下,最終積累成了一座史詩規模的大教 堂。它是一座要塞、行政中心、紀念碑、神殿,其完工使祂成為歷史上不同凡響的人物, 並更進一步要將未來納入祂的手中。現在,其高牆已被擊破,祂的夢想也一併隨之消逝, 被祂自身才智之造物所踐踏。灑在那些勝利廣場上的鮮血正是帝國自身的,由走上歧路的 子嗣所噴灑。而半個銀河之外,在另一個世界上,另一座宮殿也在燃燒。它也是千年積累 的城垛和廳堂,其完工也說明了在一個世界上千年一遇的領導者的遠見。它也遭到了擊破 。它也被其墮落子嗣的鮮血所沾染。 這就是無可避免的未來,對那些有識者而言就如現在般堅實。銀河陷入戰火,原初湮滅者 肆虐著,這個模式一再重複,而亞空間諸神們在人類的自傲上大快朵頤。 "我們告訴過他混沌無法被擊敗,只能與之對抗。"另一位守望者在沉默中觀察著,見證著 人類在純粹偶然下掌握的、被其稱為Aldurukh之物的崩毀。 它們中沒有一者真正在場。其存在不受時間或空間所限制。它們真正的型態也並非它們用 以造訪此有形維度的戴著兜帽的矮個形象,即便它們不受他人所觀察時亦然。它們是儀式 和習慣性的生物,不像人類文化是不時受到介入,偶然地培育了超過一萬五千年。 那樣的時間長度對它們來說並不比其他的更長或更短。 "它們忽略了我們的警告"另一個說道。 "它們聽不進耳。" "一個種族的失敗。艾達靈族的艾爾德拉德不是試圖提前警告腓尼基人嗎?" "我們有義務嘗試。如果混沌能在地球上被擊敗,它就會在這裡捲土重來。" "太遲了。銜尾蛇開始擾動了。獅王持續在運用其力量。"守望者在考量它們不作為的可能 結果時陷入了沉默。它們的時間並非線性連續。時間是三次元的,如馬賽克般太過美麗以 至於沒有一雙眼睛可以看清,不論如何研究、解讀為一面完整圖樣。每項細節都必須被單 獨檢視並就其自身性質評估。它們是潛勢的生物,而儘管它們眼中的未來正在黯淡,仍有 敏銳的眼睛能區分出的路徑。 "當終局到來,天使們還會有其他部分要參與。" "也許吧,但我恐怕卡利班的毀滅是我們目前對未來的最後希望了。那將是撕裂他們的最後 一擊。即便是獅王也會願意做出如此行動嗎?"隨著第一場墮天使戰爭上演,守望者們沉思 著不可言喻之事,那是馬賽克圖樣的重複排列。它們其中之一將其兜帽下的目光轉向上, 尋找被俗稱為鋼鐵迴廊的星辰排列。 "我不認為那會是個問題。" 」 -- 我們只是武器。唯有帝皇,唯有戰爭。再無其他。 We are weapons. There is the Emperor, and there is war. Nothing more. ~~由血鴉戰團第4連隊毀滅者小隊士官阿維圖斯(Avitus)所言 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址:


[閒聊] 40K 獅王不會變年輕喔?
19 39 c_chat s7503228
2024-10-01 17:50:05


Kagamidouki 失礼だな、純愛だよ 10/02 05:22 1F


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