Re: [發錢] 每日一問

看板 PttEarnMoney
作者 gishileh (力宏敢預訂178臺大金)
時間 2023-04-26 10:27:48
留言 5 ( 3推 0噓 2→ )
回文 60則
英翻中 這是一首七言絕句的後兩句 作者為中唐-晚唐時期 請問是哪兩句? I stop my car because to see my loved scenary of evening of maple trees; The maple leaves is more popular than flowers of February. -- 2023中職女孩譜 原曲-侯湘婷 曖昧 中職有111女孩 每個女孩都值得關愛 這裡用簡單的音譜 讓每個人都記得住 包含練習生正式成員 昂首闊步而不留遺憾 貴凱希峮短沛白安 晴波畇尹妮林盈君曼 琪軒星奇心馬口映 賴晴芮蛙Quee蘿蟻霖 妮kivia冞咪芮賴萍七 少詩Joy柔美棋艾姍一 DoLau卡潔東慈檸朱丹蓁 秀JeTi安維Ke昔沁 別忘了還有練習生 頭白惜羽琳 珍薑寧 慧曲琳岱語舞卉苡孟籃 凱若Yu菲筠彩伊襄 紫霓穎宋元琳多涵 儷心昀菡 溫凱軒 Kira完 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址:


[發錢] 每日一問
4 5 pttearnmoney gishileh
2023-02-15 00:47:46
Re: [發錢] 每日一問
5 6 pttearnmoney gishileh
2023-02-18 21:15:55
Re: [發錢] 每日一問
11 18 pttearnmoney gishileh
2023-03-11 23:30:28
Re: [發錢] 每日一問
1 3 pttearnmoney gishileh
2023-03-11 23:52:50
Re: [發錢] 每日一問
3 4 pttearnmoney gishileh
2023-03-11 23:56:46
Re: [發錢] 每日一問
3 5 pttearnmoney gishileh
2023-03-12 00:10:39
Re: [發錢] 每日一問
10 17 pttearnmoney gishileh
2023-03-13 01:05:21
Re: [發錢] 每日一問
4 8 pttearnmoney gishileh
2023-03-19 00:33:53
Re: [發錢] 每日一問
2 2 pttearnmoney gishileh
2023-03-19 00:37:36
Re: [發錢] 每日一問
15 17 pttearnmoney gishileh
2023-04-08 00:43:31
Re: [發錢] 每日一問
14 18 pttearnmoney gishileh
2023-04-08 22:49:11
Re: [發錢] 每日一問
7 16 pttearnmoney gishileh
2023-04-09 00:38:19
Re: [發錢] 每日一問
4 7 pttearnmoney gishileh
2023-04-09 13:14:52
Re: [發錢] 每日一問
2 4 pttearnmoney gishileh
2023-04-09 15:00:17
Re: [發錢] 每日一問
2 3 pttearnmoney gishileh
2023-04-12 21:55:22
Re: [發錢] 每日一問
1 3 pttearnmoney gishileh
2023-04-12 21:57:30
Re: [發錢] 每日一問
4 5 pttearnmoney gishileh
2023-04-12 21:59:09
Re: [發錢] 每日一問
2 5 pttearnmoney gishileh
2023-04-12 22:05:40
Re: [發錢] 每日一問
2 4 pttearnmoney gishileh
2023-04-12 22:07:52
Re: [發錢] 每日一問
1 3 pttearnmoney gishileh
2023-04-12 22:15:56
Re: [發錢] 每日一問
2 4 pttearnmoney gishileh
2023-04-12 22:19:36
Re: [發錢] 每日一問
2 5 pttearnmoney gishileh
2023-04-12 22:24:37
Re: [發錢] 每日一問
3 4 pttearnmoney gishileh
2023-04-12 22:27:18
Re: [發錢] 每日一問
3 5 pttearnmoney gishileh
2023-04-12 22:29:04
Re: [發錢] 每日一問
5 8 pttearnmoney gishileh
2023-04-12 22:32:16
Re: [發錢] 每日一問
3 4 pttearnmoney gishileh
2023-04-12 22:37:42
Re: [發錢] 每日一問
8 15 pttearnmoney gishileh
2023-04-12 22:42:15
Re: [發錢] 每日一問
3 6 pttearnmoney gishileh
2023-04-12 22:50:14
Re: [發錢] 每日一問
2 4 pttearnmoney gishileh
2023-04-12 23:15:45
Re: [發錢] 每日一問
3 5 pttearnmoney gishileh
2023-04-12 23:20:59
Re: [發錢] 每日一問
1 2 pttearnmoney gishileh
2023-04-13 00:56:00
Re: [發錢] 每日一問
3 3 pttearnmoney gishileh
2023-04-13 00:58:03
Re: [發錢] 每日一問
2 2 pttearnmoney gishileh
2023-04-13 01:02:06
Re: [發錢] 每日一問
1 2 pttearnmoney gishileh
2023-04-13 01:05:01
Re: [發錢] 每日一問
2 2 pttearnmoney gishileh
2023-04-13 01:05:36
Re: [發錢] 每日一問
2 4 pttearnmoney gishileh
2023-04-13 01:07:44
Re: [發錢] 每日一問
1 3 pttearnmoney gishileh
2023-04-13 01:09:10
Re: [發錢] 每日一問
4 13 pttearnmoney gishileh
2023-04-13 01:21:55
Re: [發錢] 每日一問
10 28 pttearnmoney gishileh
2023-04-13 01:34:13
Re: [發錢] 每日一問
7 17 pttearnmoney gishileh
2023-04-13 01:59:53
Re: [發錢] 每日一問
5 15 pttearnmoney gishileh
2023-04-13 02:09:05
Re: [發錢] 每日一問
2 2 pttearnmoney gishileh
2023-04-13 02:22:29
Re: [發錢] 每日一問
4 4 pttearnmoney gishileh
2023-04-13 22:28:21
Re: [發錢] 每日一問
2 2 pttearnmoney gishileh
2023-04-13 22:29:41
Re: [發錢] 每日一問
6 7 pttearnmoney gishileh
2023-04-13 22:40:37
Re: [發錢] 每日一問
6 9 pttearnmoney gishileh
2023-04-15 22:44:19
Re: [發錢] 每日一問
3 6 pttearnmoney gishileh
2023-04-15 22:46:18
Re: [發錢] 每日一問
11 15 pttearnmoney gishileh
2023-04-21 23:45:51
Re: [發錢] 每日一問
12 20 pttearnmoney gishileh
2023-04-22 00:19:05
Re: [發錢] 每日一問
4 6 pttearnmoney gishileh
2023-04-22 00:39:31
Re: [發錢] 每日一問
3 10 pttearnmoney gishileh
2023-04-22 00:47:13
Re: [發錢] 每日一問
8 15 pttearnmoney gishileh
2023-04-22 00:52:40
Re: [發錢] 每日一問
7 9 pttearnmoney gishileh
2023-04-22 23:12:38
Re: [發錢] 每日一問
3 5 pttearnmoney gishileh
2023-04-26 10:27:48
Re: [發錢] 每日一問
6 7 pttearnmoney gishileh
2023-04-27 01:51:32
Re: [發錢] 每日一問
8 10 pttearnmoney gishileh
2023-05-10 22:50:14
Re: [發錢] 每日一問
4 24 pttearnmoney gishileh
2023-05-10 23:28:01
Re: [發錢] 每日一問
3 5 pttearnmoney gishileh
2023-05-14 22:53:03
Re: [發錢] 每日一問
11 11 pttearnmoney gishileh
2023-07-20 22:00:54
Re: [發錢] 每日一問
8 16 pttearnmoney gishileh
2023-07-23 10:39:22


※ 編輯: gishileh ( 臺灣), 04/26/2023 10:28:13
Glitchmaster 停車坐愛楓林晚 04/26 10:34 1F
girlkiller 停車坐愛楓林晚 霜葉紅於二月花 04/26 10:35 2F
Glitchmaster 第二句不會 04/26 10:36 3F
gishileh girlkiller 04/26 10:37 4F
girlkiller 收到,感謝 04/26 10:54 5F


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